Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday fill in for Sunday slack

Since I had a few minutes free this evening I figured I would share a snapshot of my world with my loyal 3. In the morning I get to work and see this... (often at 18 to 22 degrees of frozen nose)

When I leave work in the evening I get to see this...(Quickly cooling down towards that same frozen nose)

Between those times I am working in a large building with a bunch of people that I barely know making things that I don't truly understand and trying to not damage myself or the equipment. When I have the time on breaks or after I have eaten as much of my lunch as I can, I get to draw.

Working on my braids
Flower or Starfish?
So there you have it, my last week or so in pretty (if I do say so) pictures. There has not been much else major going on but if something does come up I will be sure to announce it here. Till then it is work, sleep, eat and repeat.
Wishing you all Peace, Love and Joy.

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