Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday without a sundae

This past week has been a little rough.
I was working for 6 of the past 7 days at around 10 hours a day and it looks like that will be the pattern for a while, possibly till Christmas. The paycheck will hopefully be worth the time as it could be up to 20 hours a week at time and a half. All of this on top of trying to hold on to my delivery position has left me very little time to have a life of any kind. With what life and energy I have left at the end of the week I need to take care of my home, family and sanity (that last one being a little more difficult in recent times) as best I can.
Just today I have managed to get 4 loads of laundry done, got caught up on a weeks worth of missed email and Facebook (no way could I ever hope to catch up on the Pintrest), finished 2 line art pieces (just for you, my loyal 3), made some progress on the round thing made of yarn, spent (wonderful, wonderful) time giggling with my favourite monkey and consumed at least 2 pots of coffee in order to do all this. Now I will eat dinner (yummy leftover ham prepared by my Hunny) and try to get sleepy before 10pm so I can be up at 5am (the crack of dawn has yet to sound) to start the circle of the week again.
Wish me luck, energy and fast caffeine absorption as I am...
Wishing you all peace, love and joy
Braids and shades
Multiple design elements trying to co-exist happily

1 comment:

  1. very cool designs
    kinda interesting the design elements trying to co-exist happily - kinda like life? ;)
