Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday for Moving All the Things

This has been a long weekend. Starting with the ritual sacrifice of a 22lb turkey followed by pie and ending with loads and loads of laundry in preparation for the week starting at 5am tomorrow morning. In the middle of all this we rearranged the living room and the bedroom. Love to move things around to see if a different set up will work better.
Had to make a foray into the city on the Evil Day of Shopping but managed to avoid all corporate centers of greed. Accidentally managed to hit a serious sale at a craft store and got the punch I had been looking for as well as a couple of new Sakura Micron pens for less than half what I had been willing to spend.
2 1/4 inch square punch. Yay!
Some from last holiday season and
some from this one
While waiting for the bird to cook and other periods of quiet I added a couple of my Manila tags to my pocket art journal and they worked wonderfully.

While digging through storage a bit I ran across a full package of rectangular coasters like you would find in a bar. I grabbed a few and my recently acquired bottle of gesso and went to town. I believe these will become some lovely book covers that may end up as holiday gifts. I may end up making quite a few if they turn out as well as I hope.
Not going to advertise beer, not even fairly good beer.

Post Gesso, Pre-Artifying.

There were adventures had, Art was made, bargains found and Family Time (TM) was had. I enjoyed the Bird Day meal with family and then I enjoyed the meal the day after with one of my favorite treats, Dolmas. I will leave you with a few more doodles and my wishes for you all. Peace, Joy and love in all your lives.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday that was.

This past week I drove to the "city" twice on two of my "days off". Once for my brother and once for my Mom, both of these trips were necessary though a little tiring. The first trip ended up being expanded into a grocery/stock up trip and I ended up getting to hit Staples. I bought myself a box of Manila tags to play with (yay!), though not the 3"x5" these should be bunches of fun. I also grabbed a set of the sharpie paint markers and am loving them all over many, many surfaces.
Sharpie paint markers and manilla tags to play with
Playing with the markers

The second trip ended up turning into a thrift shopping adventure. I scored a few pairs of pants and shirts in both short and long sleeved for work and I must say, my pants ($40 nomex fire resistant cargo pants that FIT for $5!) are AWESOME! Several pair of heavy, soft cotton cargo pants in excellent condition (in my odd shaped size) for $5 a pop and a few great looking t-shirts (the amazing brushed cotton that is still wonderfully insulating) for around $3 per. Thrift town and goodwill are definitely two of my favorite places. This also means that since I brought clothes into the house, I will have a couple of bags of gently loved clothes to donate locally to the shop that benefits the senior center and the one that helps the mental health clinic. I so love a win/win shopping experience.

As for art, I am being tempted by the idea of a tattoo gun. There is a young man at my new job that has offered to loan me his if I buy ink and needles so I can try before I buy. I have a canvas to test on and the art to try all ready to go, I just have to decide if I want to be serious about this or if it is a passing fancy. I love my ink and I love (most) ink on others but is it really the direction for me. Opinions are welcome as to whether this is something my Loyal 3 think would be fun to watch me try.
Now for some pretty pictures...
Wishing you all Peace, Joy and love.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday fill in for Sunday slack

Since I had a few minutes free this evening I figured I would share a snapshot of my world with my loyal 3. In the morning I get to work and see this... (often at 18 to 22 degrees of frozen nose)

When I leave work in the evening I get to see this...(Quickly cooling down towards that same frozen nose)

Between those times I am working in a large building with a bunch of people that I barely know making things that I don't truly understand and trying to not damage myself or the equipment. When I have the time on breaks or after I have eaten as much of my lunch as I can, I get to draw.

Working on my braids
Flower or Starfish?
So there you have it, my last week or so in pretty (if I do say so) pictures. There has not been much else major going on but if something does come up I will be sure to announce it here. Till then it is work, sleep, eat and repeat.
Wishing you all Peace, Love and Joy.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday delay

Tonight's post was brought to you by the letter Yummy. I had dinner with my brother for his birthday so the real post will be made as soon as I have more than 5 minutes of free time in front of my computer. For now have a picture of his present.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday without a sundae

This past week has been a little rough.
I was working for 6 of the past 7 days at around 10 hours a day and it looks like that will be the pattern for a while, possibly till Christmas. The paycheck will hopefully be worth the time as it could be up to 20 hours a week at time and a half. All of this on top of trying to hold on to my delivery position has left me very little time to have a life of any kind. With what life and energy I have left at the end of the week I need to take care of my home, family and sanity (that last one being a little more difficult in recent times) as best I can.
Just today I have managed to get 4 loads of laundry done, got caught up on a weeks worth of missed email and Facebook (no way could I ever hope to catch up on the Pintrest), finished 2 line art pieces (just for you, my loyal 3), made some progress on the round thing made of yarn, spent (wonderful, wonderful) time giggling with my favourite monkey and consumed at least 2 pots of coffee in order to do all this. Now I will eat dinner (yummy leftover ham prepared by my Hunny) and try to get sleepy before 10pm so I can be up at 5am (the crack of dawn has yet to sound) to start the circle of the week again.
Wish me luck, energy and fast caffeine absorption as I am...
Wishing you all peace, love and joy
Braids and shades
Multiple design elements trying to co-exist happily