This past week has been interesting. I have yet to hear about the job that has had me on pins and needles stress wise, I have had a crochet bug and have been finding all sort of reasons to put off doing more journaling. After my last post I had an attack of "glue all the things" and managed to work through a few pages but since then I have been mostly (crochet) hooking the time away.

I finished the scarf and it came out nicely if not exactly the way I had hoped. Loving the color scheme and once it gets washed and stretched a bit it will be a great winter blues buster.
I started a round thing that may end up being a "yard warming" present to the young person moving onto our property if it ever gets finished. I generally don't work in pastel colors but I had a "reach in and grab something" moment. Not hating it and the stitches are coming together fairly well.
A pin on Pintrest ( I am an addict) caught my eye and I had to interpret the mask while paying no attention to the instructions. It is a work in progress as well. The edge is going to be a lace stitch inspired by yet another pin, this one a very easy to follow video of a Spanish speaking lady teaching a variation on the granny square.
I have high hopes for more journal work this coming week as I have recently come across some very interesting things to glue to the pages. Some vintage sheet music, Old receipt books, bar coasters and some damaged books to name a few.
I am thinking about doing a drawing for a manila envelope filled with scrappy ephemera, one of the 8 x 12 ones. That may be coming soon to a Wednesday near you. If you, my loyal 3, think this would be a good idea please leave me a note.
Wishing you all a relaxing and low stress rest of the week. Peace, Joy and Love to you all.